
Helping Out

As I’ve mentioned a few times already… I’m currently studying animal behaviour. In support of this, I’ve become a behaviour volunteer at a Bristol rehoming centre. It’s only three hours once a week, but it’s tremendously rewarding. I’m aware each rehoming centre has a different catchment area, and that means

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Blog one hundred!

Who would believe I’d have written so many, I think it has more to do with the rhythm of writing one a week. That, and setting off on a new journey with Zeke. I am planning a refresh of my site, which is a little overdue. It won’t happen for

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Here we go again…

Fireworks. Far be it from me to spoil someone else’s fun, but I hate the noise. My dogs have all eventually tolerated it, but I have never left any of them to deal with it on their own. All the main animal charities have advice on how to help your

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Calling Zeke

After last week’s play date, we’ve been earnestly working on recall. I’ve upped Zeke’s treats to a new dehydrated lamb, which he can’t do enough for.  Not only will he give me eye contact when we cross the road, or walk past people, we can also comfortably walk along the

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Healthy Play

We met Cooper again for a play date. I honestly hope Zeke matures to be as balanced and well rounded as Cooper. Zeke with his hormones raging, was somewhat full on. We let them run around for a while, and they took turns around the paw paddock. I did intervene

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Nine months and growing up

I don’t tend to notice Zeke’s size because I see him every day. It’s only when I look back at photos I’ve taken in the garden, and when other people see him less often comment, I realise he’s not a baby any longer. Zeke is officially an adolescent, rather than

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Light time

Zeke had his six-month Vet check this week. He’s doing well (31kg) no he’s not overweight, but it was suggested I cut back his food by 10% as he enters the 9-12 month age band. I’ve been conscious that puppies eat more when they’re growing so fast, and given we

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I read that the late Queen had over 30 dogs in her lifetime. That’s phenomenal. Zeke is my sixth dog. With Winston as my first dog in 1990, that’s 32 years! Where does the time go. I remember each and every one of my dogs, as if it was yesterday.

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Play Date Adventures

We have a great dog facility not too far away that you can book for sole use. It has two secure 2-acre dog walking fields, each surrounded by super high fencing. The owners have clearly put a lot of thought into the design. Once you put that day’s passcode into

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