
I’ve done it🥳. I’m a COAPE Certified Animal Behaviourist, and a MHERA™ Practitioner. Hands down the best course I’ve ever done. The tutors are amazing and the evidence-based, structured, and supported learning was just what I needed. Okay yes, it has been hard work over the last two years (still

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I’ve been somewhat distracted by my COAPE coursework, as I get my teeth into the final module. Writing up of two case studies from the shelter I volunteer at. Case studies sounds so clinical, they are both such lovely dogs needing homes that can offer them the right mix of

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Choice Since reading about consent testing, I seem to be noticing more people talking about it. There’s a great article here, where the author explains how you can ‘preference test’ with your own dog. Choice supports training with our dogs (and other animals), making sure we really are offering positive

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I’ve been working my way through the mandatory and recommended book list for my Coape Diploma. All the books are so well chosen, each one I’m learning more about dogs (and new things about cats!). I tweeted this week about one of the books in particular, it’s called ‘Dominance in

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Those of us with dogs are already very fed up with fireworks at this time of the year. But did you know that general household noises can also cause stress to our dogs? The University of California have this week published research on the household noises causing most stress. With

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Since Covid-19 descended on us all, I’ve not been able to volunteer with dogs. As I’m now double jabbed and volunteers can apply again… I registered as a volunteer with Dogs Trust last month. After a comprehensive induction, a health and safety briefing and an interesting presentation on dog behaviour,

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Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

Dog Dementia isn’t a condition I’ve seen much of, or really considered. Truly had been worrying me with some strange new behaviours. To be honest in the first few days I thought perhaps she was deteriorating due to her existing mobility issues. I contacted James (our fantastic Vet), and arranged

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The Real Age of Our Dogs?

I think most people have heard the saying that a dog year is worth seven human years. Apparently, there’s new research helping us to understand that this isn’t the case. I think dog families are aware that large dogs don’t generally tend to live as long as small dogs. And

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