Summer Holidays

An energetic Labrador, who is also jet black, can be a bit of a challenge when the weather is hot. Zeke doesn’t seem to notice at all, thankfully it’s not been too hot for morning walks. Zeke has been patrolling the garden, keep an eye on all the birds tweeting

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Planning and Prevention

My final rescue centre case study is written, and kitchen table finally clear with my 29 behaviour books packed away. I’m not even going to think how much I’ve spent on books, but I have them for future reference at least. Psychopharmacology was probably my least favourite subject, but it

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Hello, we’re back…

The Dogmatise site has been going through some updates, so I’ve taken time out from posting. There are still some updates to do and once I work out how to do it.. hopefully I’ll be able to add some pictures and video links. Zeke is continuing to mature, at 16

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Merry Christmas

Zeke’s first Christmas. Obviously, he doesn’t have a clue. He does have some pressies to explore, and a new upstairs memory foam sofa bed that won’t arrive until after Christmas now 🙄 We have some socialising planned, as well as the rearranged family lunch. But otherwise, to be honest, I’m

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Safe Space

Those of you who camp or caravan will probably already know about the benefits of wind breakers. But, did you know there are dog safe ones too? Camping on a busy site with three dogs needs military coordination and eyes in the back of your head. Especially when you’re at

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Water Safety

The sunshine is here! If I put a paddling pool out in the garden, Jake may stand in it for cooling purposes, but neither Jake or Truly are fans of swimming. Leo was. He absolutely loved to go into the sea whatever the weather. The only way I could keep

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As I type this the wind is blowing the recycling containers across the patio, and the rain is lashing against the windows. But ever an optimist, I thought I’d talk today about the prospect of sunshine and holidays. Having dogs means to me a holiday together. Finding places that not

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