
The Heat is Back

Blimey it’s been hot again. Daytimes aren’t ‘so’ bad, opening and closing windows and curtains as the sun tracks. Night time isn’t so easy as the air seems to stand still. I tend to put my windows on the security latch at night, which means not as much air circulating.

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Hot Hot Hot

Zeke isn’t familiar enough with the cool mat to use it yet, it’s something ‘new’ he needs to drag around, lick, and test with his teeth. Consequently, I wouldn’t leave one in his crate with him overnight. Zeke had a towel wrapped hot water bottle on his first night here.

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Dogs and Children – Resources

In this week’s blog I thought I’d help promote Dogs Trust’s half term workshops, designed to help children understand how dogs communicate to improve safety between them. If you don’t have a participating venue near you, I’ve also included below a link to Victoria Stilwell’s website. I love this site,

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Unfamiliar Dogs and Etiquette

We were wandering along the path returning from our walk, enjoying some crisp afternoon sunshine.  Jake and Truly were busy savouring squirrel smells. Just as we rounded the corner, there was a large mixed breed male dog stood sniffing in a hedge (probably also savouring the smells of busy squirrels).

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Did you know that utility companies are permitted to dig up pavements right next to your house (and block your driveway overnight) without giving you any formal notice? And in this case, not even the courtesy of knocking on the door the day before to let you know. Yesterday morning

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Dog Theft Taskforce

In the news this week was the introduction of a key recommendation from the Government’s Pet Theft Taskforce of a ‘pet abduction offence’. You can read about the Taskforce here. With convictions for dog theft potentially carrying heavier sentences at court, the intention is that this will provide more of

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Dog DNA Database

Today I heard about a new scientific tool developed to deter theft, and I thought you might find it interesting too. An existing forensic company have launched a Forensic Dog DNA Database. The service has been developed with a view to providing forensic analysis, and to support police investigations into

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Safe Space

Those of you who camp or caravan will probably already know about the benefits of wind breakers. But, did you know there are dog safe ones too? Camping on a busy site with three dogs needs military coordination and eyes in the back of your head. Especially when you’re at

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Water Safety

The sunshine is here! If I put a paddling pool out in the garden, Jake may stand in it for cooling purposes, but neither Jake or Truly are fans of swimming. Leo was. He absolutely loved to go into the sea whatever the weather. The only way I could keep

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Both Jake and Truly are muzzle trained, and I refresh their training every so often. The ability for a dog to be comfortable wearing a muzzle is a good safety plan, especially in cases of emergency trips to the vet. A hurt or injured dog, even your own, may bite.

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