The Most Recent Blog

Summer Holidays

An energetic Labrador, who is also jet black, can be a bit of a challenge when the weather is hot. Zeke doesn’t seem to notice at all, thankfully it’s not been too hot for morning walks. Zeke has been patrolling the garden, keep an eye on all the birds tweeting in the bushes. All my dogs have loved this garden. Just as the others did, Zeke loves to lay in the centre of it watching me work at the kitchen table. Although in the picture

Past Blogs


I’ve been feeding Zeke his new foods on a slow feed platter, it’s a great way to see what he likes most. I lay the

Feathers, Sugars, and Yeast

I’ve been on a journey with Zeke’s diet. I want to share the path we’ve followed to get where we are now, in case any


I’ve done it🥳. I’m a COAPE Certified Animal Behaviourist, and a MHERA™ Practitioner. Hands down the best course I’ve ever done. The tutors are amazing

Walking Nicely

I try to spend one of our daily walks giving Zeke practice in walking nicely on the lead, interspersed with free sniffing opportunities of course.


About Me

I’m a qualified dog trainer, but the primary purpose of this blog isn’t about training. The aim of this blog is to share what I’ve learnt from my own dogs over the years, and if it helps you in any way with yours then that would be a great outcome.

If you want further information on a topic, please contact me and I will endeavour to point you in the most appropriate direction.