Zeke has flourished through puppyhood and adolescence, and I can honestly say he has grown up well. Of course, he is a Labrador so will be forever young at heart. But, as he passed the 2.5 year mark, I can see his emotional maturity bloom.
I advocate choice wherever possible, with food, toys, activity, sometimes where we walk. I’ve always thought there’s so much dogs don’t get to choose. Does it matter? Yes, I think it does. It all helps to build a trusting relationship, especially when it comes to safety.
We have scent classes this weekend, in a 121 as we’re still catching up after missing last summer. We will go back to classes though, as it’s nice to mix with other people. You may not be aware, but the dogs are brought in one at a time, so they don’t mix within the class.
Like ours, Instructors all adhere to positive reinforcement and force-free ethical training methods, and you can search for your nearest class here class here
Until next time