
I’ve been feeding Zeke his new foods on a slow feed platter, it’s a great way to see what he likes most. I lay the food out as per the picture, instead of it all being piled into his bowl so he can choose. I find it hypnotic watching him

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Growing Up

Zeke is 18 months old, time is flying by. We’ve ramped up new activity, I don’t need to worry (so much) about his growing bones. I mentioned nose work, and a scent work taster. He picked it up very quickly, had a fab time, and slept all the way home

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Off Lead

We booked a slot at The Larches Paw Paddock for this afternoon, the last one of the day. I particularly like the Meadow, as you can see the sun setting over the Bristol Channel. Zeke had a wonderful time, exploring everything as if it was the first time. With all

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Healthy Play

We met Cooper again for a play date. I honestly hope Zeke matures to be as balanced and well rounded as Cooper. Zeke with his hormones raging, was somewhat full on. We let them run around for a while, and they took turns around the paw paddock. I did intervene

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Play Date Adventures

We have a great dog facility not too far away that you can book for sole use. It has two secure 2-acre dog walking fields, each surrounded by super high fencing. The owners have clearly put a lot of thought into the design. Once you put that day’s passcode into

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It’s been really warm here this week, peaking on Friday with temperatures of 28c (according to my weather app). I’m sure you’ve seen lots of advice on social media too, reminding us of the importance of keeping dogs (and other animals) protected from the heat. Walking early morning and late

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Puppy teeth are sharp! Zeke has the double whammy of being a puppy, and a Labrador. All puppies explore the world through their mouths. They also grow a mouthful of adult teeth in one go (ouch). Chewing relieves the pain. I’ve been dodging the excited teeth, the tired teeth, and

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Bookable Dog Fields

Bookable Dog fields seem to be a common topic of conversation at the moment. Both with training clients, and also in casual dog walking conversation. I meet many people who share the same frustration with owners who let their dogs jump all over you and your dogs, and have no

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When I hear the word ‘enrichment’ in relation to dogs, I think about how all of my dogs have most definitely enhanced and improved my life. I also often think about how I can best enrich theirs, especially during lockdown.  I thought today I’d talk about enrichment and what it

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Christmas Gifts

A toy can be a simple way to provide your dog with some mental stimulation and variety in their daily activity. It’s also good for your dog to spend some quality ‘alone time’ in another room without really noticing you’re not there. This is especially relevant at the moment with

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