Walking Nicely

I try to spend one of our daily walks giving Zeke practice in walking nicely on the lead, interspersed with free sniffing opportunities of course. How does Zeke know what kind of walk we are having? Well, I communicate it through use of the lead. By clipping both ends of

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Co-operative Care

It may be because I’ve been on Instagram more than usual, keeping an eye on the American XL Bully situation.. but I have been somewhat taken aback by some of the dog handling I’ve seen on people’s reels. Often endorsed by brands the dog guardian is ‘promoting’. There was one

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Again, I’ve been somewhat distracted by my COAPE coursework, and sorry for the lack of updates. I will endeavour to go back to prioritising my blog. I have so much to share as Zeke is 22 months now, and we’re back on developing him as he enters adulthood. I’ve submitted

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Bonus Training Opportunities

With the rebuilding of the kitchen half way through, and all the coming and going of the relevant trades, it’s been an unexpected training opportunity for Zeke at home. Firstly, I never realised how the impact of changing one room would ripple through the house! It’s organised chaos, if that

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Training Classes… Revisited

Things have been busy. I have some time off work and I’m trying to catch up on all those things that seem to pop up with alarming regularity. We’ve also signed up for a repeater set of dog training classes, which may seem odd given I’m a trainer and a

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Emergency Stop!

Zeke and I started on this over six months ago, gradually building distance between us. He is such a quick learner that he had it cracked at home pretty quickly. After a couple of months in the paw paddock, and combined with wait (bit of creative license here) with lots

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Happy New Year

Here we are already, 2023. And Zeke is one years old! Where does the time go. We met with family for our rearranged Covid interrupted Christmas lunch. It was a lovely country pub in Bromsgrove. Zeke was the best boy ever. Yes, he was very animated when we arrived, even

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Getting Ready

Zeke and I have been working hard on saying hello in a calm way, and yes, I am talking about Zeke on this occasion 😆 The cheese paste is helping enormously with unknown people and dogs. If he sees someone approaching, he looks straight at me for the cheese, which

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It’s Come to Cheese

A tube of Primula Original Cheese to be precise. Zeke loves all living things. All the work I’ve put into making sure he’s ready for the big wide world, getting used to the sights and sounds of life has paid dividends. He loves people and dogs and cats and squirrels

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Calling Zeke

After last week’s play date, we’ve been earnestly working on recall. I’ve upped Zeke’s treats to a new dehydrated lamb, which he can’t do enough for.  Not only will he give me eye contact when we cross the road, or walk past people, we can also comfortably walk along the

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