
Getting Ready

Zeke and I have been working hard on saying hello in a calm way, and yes, I am talking about Zeke on this occasion 😆 The cheese paste is helping enormously with unknown people and dogs. If he sees someone approaching, he looks straight at me for the cheese, which

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It’s Come to Cheese

A tube of Primula Original Cheese to be precise. Zeke loves all living things. All the work I’ve put into making sure he’s ready for the big wide world, getting used to the sights and sounds of life has paid dividends. He loves people and dogs and cats and squirrels

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Here we go again…

Fireworks. Far be it from me to spoil someone else’s fun, but I hate the noise. My dogs have all eventually tolerated it, but I have never left any of them to deal with it on their own. All the main animal charities have advice on how to help your

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I have a four-legged teenager at home. Zeke has decided to revisit all of the training I’ve been doing with him for the last four months. I do have to watch I don’t laugh at times (as that would encourage him), but he clearly thinks I’m making suggestions and he

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Cooling Treats

After my ‘keeping cool’ blog I was asked about lollies and ice creams for dogs, and if I gave them to Jake and Truly. Aside from the enjoyment factor, frozen treats can be a great way to top up your dog’s fluid intake in the hot weather. As we’re meant

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When I hear the word ‘enrichment’ in relation to dogs, I think about how all of my dogs have most definitely enhanced and improved my life. I also often think about how I can best enrich theirs, especially during lockdown.  I thought today I’d talk about enrichment and what it

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Natural Foods

I’ve mentioned previously Jake and Truly eat a balanced raw/bone/veg/fruit diet.  Truly has some gut sensitivity (from her Husky x GSD heritage) and so consequently, I tend to buy dehydrated treats that are single novel protein and without added nasties. Many people are still juggling lots at home during lockdown,

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Check up at the Vet

This week was Jake and Truly’s scheduled trip to the Vet. We see the same Vet James where possible, not only because he’s a great Vet and a lovely person, but because he knows Jake and Truly’s history beyond notes on a file. I always feel that James listens to

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Christmas Gifts

A toy can be a simple way to provide your dog with some mental stimulation and variety in their daily activity. It’s also good for your dog to spend some quality ‘alone time’ in another room without really noticing you’re not there. This is especially relevant at the moment with

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Bonding with your dog is not only personally very rewarding, it comes into its own during training. When you have a great relationship with your dog they are happier too, and it means they are more likely to be interested in you and what you’re doing. All very important when

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