

I really don’t understand on any level, why people think it’s okay to crop dog’s ears. Aside from it being banned and illegal under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 (section five). It’s blatantly cruel and must be so painful. Often done to puppies. When I look at Zeke’s trusting face,

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The Heat is Back

Blimey it’s been hot again. Daytimes aren’t ‘so’ bad, opening and closing windows and curtains as the sun tracks. Night time isn’t so easy as the air seems to stand still. I tend to put my windows on the security latch at night, which means not as much air circulating.

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It’s Just Grass

The back garden looks like someone has randomly dropped grass killer around the lawn. I mean, it’s never been perfect, but I decided there’s clearly something extra strong in Zeke’s urine! I am half joking, because it’s Zeke’s garden too. Truly used to mark the lawn, but she tended to

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Zeke has been travelling in the car in a crate on the back seat, I do have permanent crates in the very back, but they’re too big and far away for a puppy. I bought a double Vario Cage for Jake and Truly when we commuted to Manchester every week.

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Being Sick

Look away now if you’re eating. It’s not the first time Zeke has been sick, but yesterday morning I was on a Teams call when he vomited on the kitchen floor next to me. It had been a while since he’d eaten breakfast, so I wondered if he’d picked something

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Hot Hot Hot

Zeke isn’t familiar enough with the cool mat to use it yet, it’s something ‘new’ he needs to drag around, lick, and test with his teeth. Consequently, I wouldn’t leave one in his crate with him overnight. Zeke had a towel wrapped hot water bottle on his first night here.

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I have a four-legged teenager at home. Zeke has decided to revisit all of the training I’ve been doing with him for the last four months. I do have to watch I don’t laugh at times (as that would encourage him), but he clearly thinks I’m making suggestions and he

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Understanding Dog Bites

Although I’m meant to be starting to answer questions about the brain for my assignment, and there’s nothing like a looming deadline to focus the mind 😊… excuse the pun. I’ve actually been procrastinating. Google Scholar leads me astray. I start researching one thing and end up down a rabbit

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Six Months… already

Zeke has grown so much in size, comprehension, and engagement with the world around him. He learns multiple things daily, not all of them instigated by me. He still gets very excited seeing people with dogs, so we continue to work on his sit (instead of jumping up at people).

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