
Parliamentary Debates

Since hearing about (and avidly following) Operation Ark and the evacuation from Afganistan of 68 cats and 94 dogs (and their vet staff and families) by Nowzad, I’ve become so more aware of the breadth of animal welfare lobbying and the inspirational people involved. After a annoyingly loud week with

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Happy Anniversary!

It’s a whole year since I published this website and my first blog! Fifty-two blogs, blimey. I had no idea I’d have so much to say, although clearly some may not be as surprised as I am 😊 Thank you for reading, I hope the topics have been helpful. Aside

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Autumn Walks

As the seasons change it’s lovely to get out into the autumn sunshine, ideally without the mud! As you consider your dog walks too, I wanted to let you know how I keep Jake and Truly safe out and about. This isn’t intended to put you off enjoying your walks,

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The relentless round of fireworks starting at Halloween and continuing until New Year have already started. Unfortunately, with the random nature of fireworks nowadays it makes it more difficult to know when they will occur. During the firework season I tend to make sure Jake and Truly are exercised and

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What’s On This Week

National Walk Your Dog Week This past week has seen ‘National Walk Your Dog Week’ founded in 2010 by Colleen Paige, her intention was “to bring awareness to the ever-increasing problem of canine behavior issues and canine obesity in America”.  You may have seen mentions of it on social media

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Autumn Walks

After my grumpy blog last week I thought I’d return to a more upbeat posting about Jake and Truly. We’ve definitely noticed the darker and cooler mornings. We’re back to coats and wellies for me, and drying wet towels after walks for Jake and Truly. Even though it’s cooler, we’re

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Did you know that utility companies are permitted to dig up pavements right next to your house (and block your driveway overnight) without giving you any formal notice? And in this case, not even the courtesy of knocking on the door the day before to let you know. Yesterday morning

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Since Covid-19 descended on us all, I’ve not been able to volunteer with dogs. As I’m now double jabbed and volunteers can apply again… I registered as a volunteer with Dogs Trust last month. After a comprehensive induction, a health and safety briefing and an interesting presentation on dog behaviour,

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Dementia Routine

Since Truly’s diagnosis I’ve continued to research all I can do to help her feel comfortable, and soften the impact of what’s happening to her. We’re still walking three times a day. Exercise is important for all dogs, but particularly in Truly’s case to increase the blood flow to her

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Dog Theft Taskforce

In the news this week was the introduction of a key recommendation from the Government’s Pet Theft Taskforce of a ‘pet abduction offence’. You can read about the Taskforce here. With convictions for dog theft potentially carrying heavier sentences at court, the intention is that this will provide more of

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