Walking Nicely

I try to spend one of our daily walks giving Zeke practice in walking nicely on the lead, interspersed with free sniffing opportunities of course. How does Zeke know what kind of walk we are having? Well, I communicate it through use of the lead. By clipping both ends of

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Winter Time

After two weeks of rain I’m very happy to have a respite from the mud! Prefilled watering cans with warm water by the door to wash Zeke off, a good towelling, a trail of towels across the floor, and I still found puddy footprints through the house. I’m a fan

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Autumn Walks

As the seasons change it’s lovely to get out into the autumn sunshine, ideally without the mud! As you consider your dog walks too, I wanted to let you know how I keep Jake and Truly safe out and about. This isn’t intended to put you off enjoying your walks,

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What’s On This Week

National Walk Your Dog Week This past week has seen ‘National Walk Your Dog Week’ founded in 2010 by Colleen Paige, her intention was “to bring awareness to the ever-increasing problem of canine behavior issues and canine obesity in America”.  You may have seen mentions of it on social media

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Autumn Walks

After my grumpy blog last week I thought I’d return to a more upbeat posting about Jake and Truly. We’ve definitely noticed the darker and cooler mornings. We’re back to coats and wellies for me, and drying wet towels after walks for Jake and Truly. Even though it’s cooler, we’re

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Water Safety

The sunshine is here! If I put a paddling pool out in the garden, Jake may stand in it for cooling purposes, but neither Jake or Truly are fans of swimming. Leo was. He absolutely loved to go into the sea whatever the weather. The only way I could keep

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Bookable Dog Fields

Bookable Dog fields seem to be a common topic of conversation at the moment. Both with training clients, and also in casual dog walking conversation. I meet many people who share the same frustration with owners who let their dogs jump all over you and your dogs, and have no

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Keeping Cool

As we’ve officially reached summer 2021, I’m back on my mission to keep Jake and Truly cool and comfortable in the heat. Water Having access to fresh water 24/7 is vital any time of the year, but especially in the heat. If you think your dog isn’t drinking enough, there

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As I type this the wind is blowing the recycling containers across the patio, and the rain is lashing against the windows. But ever an optimist, I thought I’d talk today about the prospect of sunshine and holidays. Having dogs means to me a holiday together. Finding places that not

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On or Off?

Is my dog ready to be walking off lead? It’s probably the question I’m most often asked. I start the recall journey with my own dogs by walking around the house either wearing a treat pouch (cue dogs following me everywhere!) or with treats ‘hidden’ in my pocket. I then

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