
Understanding Dog Bites

Although I’m meant to be starting to answer questions about the brain for my assignment, and there’s nothing like a looming deadline to focus the mind 😊… excuse the pun. I’ve actually been procrastinating. Google Scholar leads me astray. I start researching one thing and end up down a rabbit

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Six Months… already

Zeke has grown so much in size, comprehension, and engagement with the world around him. He learns multiple things daily, not all of them instigated by me. He still gets very excited seeing people with dogs, so we continue to work on his sit (instead of jumping up at people).

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It’s been really warm here this week, peaking on Friday with temperatures of 28c (according to my weather app). I’m sure you’ve seen lots of advice on social media too, reminding us of the importance of keeping dogs (and other animals) protected from the heat. Walking early morning and late

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This week I found two tiny teeth on the carpet. Zeke will have been teething for a while, but it’s the first teeth I’ve found. Puppies can swallow baby teeth when eating, which doesn’t cause them a problem. Zeke hasn’t been chewing any more than usual. Knowing teething was going

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Small Steps and Stairs

Zeke hit a fear period this week, I’d been expecting it to happen. It was more noticeable than the occasional brakes he puts on when out walking. If you don’t know what this is, Blue Cross website has an explanation of the puppy adolescent phase where you can read more.

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Training School Graduate

We completed the final week of our course last weekend. I have really enjoyed our classes together, spending quality time dedicated to training. It is very different when you’re training in a class with your own dog. During the final session we completed Settle; Four paws on the floor (not

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Zeke loves his food. Yes, he is a Labrador, but he really does thrive on his four meals a day. I haven’t moved him to three meals yet. Mainly because there’s no rush for convenience as I’m with him all day, but also because the amount of food he has

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Quiet Time

We’ve been practicing settling this week. Not only because I’ve had lots of virtual meetings, or that I need some peace myself from time to time, but because it’s part of our class homework. Zeke sees his crate as a safe place and he will often take himself off to

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Puppy teeth are sharp! Zeke has the double whammy of being a puppy, and a Labrador. All puppies explore the world through their mouths. They also grow a mouthful of adult teeth in one go (ouch). Chewing relieves the pain. I’ve been dodging the excited teeth, the tired teeth, and

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Learning Together

We attended our first puppy training session last week. There were four dogs in the class, with screens in place to help the puppies concentrate. A mat to mark the place to put your dog’s settle bed, and a chair for the human. Zeke and I were next to a

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