
Interesting Research

The Royal Veterinary College’s (RVC) VetCompass™ programme, undertook research into dog conditions most often presented to Vets. As part of this study they also looked at the impact of these conditions on the welfare of dogs. From the eight major disorders seen by Vets, the three with the highest overall

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Keeping Cool

As we’ve officially reached summer 2021, I’m back on my mission to keep Jake and Truly cool and comfortable in the heat. Water Having access to fresh water 24/7 is vital any time of the year, but especially in the heat. If you think your dog isn’t drinking enough, there

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If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know Jake and Truly both have physical conditions that affect their mobility. Jake has arthritis and Truly has a degenerative condition that increasingly affects her mobility, particularly her back legs. After chatting with our Vet and extensively researching conditions that can

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As I type this the wind is blowing the recycling containers across the patio, and the rain is lashing against the windows. But ever an optimist, I thought I’d talk today about the prospect of sunshine and holidays. Having dogs means to me a holiday together. Finding places that not

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Animal Welfare Plan 2021

I listened to excerpts of the Queen’s speech, with a specific interest in the impact on animals, particularly dogs, that had been trailed in advance through the media. You can read the whole speech here the section on animal welfare starts on page 131. The document describes the purpose of

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On or Off?

Is my dog ready to be walking off lead? It’s probably the question I’m most often asked. I start the recall journey with my own dogs by walking around the house either wearing a treat pouch (cue dogs following me everywhere!) or with treats ‘hidden’ in my pocket. I then

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Friends Visiting

In memory of Kei. On Friday morning we had a visit from Robby, a beautiful Greyhound. We had time for a stroll, some snuggles, and a loaded Licki mat. Robby lives near to us, so Jake and Truly have met him lots of times. Even so, I fitted the door

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What a difference springtime makes! Walking Jake and Truly in daylight, birds singing, the smell of cut grass, no mud or wet dog smell at home, and so much more time in the day. Springtime although welcome, can also bring unwanted house guests… fleas and ticks. Vet practices promote monthly

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Control of Dogs

Last weekend we had a little scare. I’ve been projecting chill out vibes for Jake and Truly on our walks all week, but to be honest what happened unsettled me. If you’ve been reading my blog, you know how I feel about dogs. You will also know I take my

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Getting Older

I want to share with you today the impact of aging on Jake and Truly. It’s a natural development for all of us, and as with humans there are so many things we can do to support our dogs as they get older. Jake is now 13 and Truly 10.

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