
Animal Welfare Plan 2021

I listened to excerpts of the Queen’s speech, with a specific interest in the impact on animals, particularly dogs, that had been trailed in advance through the media. You can read the whole speech here the section on animal welfare starts on page 131. The document describes the purpose of

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On or Off?

Is my dog ready to be walking off lead? It’s probably the question I’m most often asked. I start the recall journey with my own dogs by walking around the house either wearing a treat pouch (cue dogs following me everywhere!) or with treats ‘hidden’ in my pocket. I then

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Friends Visiting

In memory of Kei. On Friday morning we had a visit from Robby, a beautiful Greyhound. We had time for a stroll, some snuggles, and a loaded Licki mat. Robby lives near to us, so Jake and Truly have met him lots of times. Even so, I fitted the door

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What a difference springtime makes! Walking Jake and Truly in daylight, birds singing, the smell of cut grass, no mud or wet dog smell at home, and so much more time in the day. Springtime although welcome, can also bring unwanted house guests… fleas and ticks. Vet practices promote monthly

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Dog Walkers

I’m currently researching for a new walker for Jake and Truly. I don’t leave Jake and Truly often, but there are times when I need someone to pop in and make sure they have an opportunity to stretch their legs and go to the loo. It won’t surprise you to

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I’m sure you know that feeling. That all over body ache the day after the first lawn cut of the year, overdoing the spring clean, or the DIY, all spurred on by the sunshine. It won’t be long until we’re all able to travel further afield to enjoy out-door exercise

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First Aid

On Tuesday our Vet James was on TV (as the programme’s resident Vet) demonstrating First Aid techniques for wound management, and what to keep in your dog’s first aid kit. James’ dog Ollie was so good and didn’t seem at all phased by being on TV. I cannot imagine Jake

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Changing the Law

I was really pleased to hear on the news today that the Home Secretary is looking at measures to tackle the shocking increase in dog theft here in the UK. In 2020 dog abductions rose between 170 – 250% across the UK. More recently, there have been cases of criminal

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Having a Plan

Do you have a plan? Since lockdown began many animal welfare charities advised it was not a good time to buy a dog. The assumption by many was that this was to do with dog welfare when people no longer worked from home. It’s not solely about this, although obviously

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Dog Legislation

I mentioned some time ago I would talk about dog related legislation, I have identified some of the keys areas you may find of interest 😊 If you want to read the respective legislation in full, you can search for it here  The below information is sourced from Gov.uk, Blue

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