
I’ve been feeding Zeke his new foods on a slow feed platter, it’s a great way to see what he likes most. I lay the food out as per the picture, instead of it all being piled into his bowl so he can choose. I find it hypnotic watching him

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Feathers, Sugars, and Yeast

I’ve been on a journey with Zeke’s diet. I want to share the path we’ve followed to get where we are now, in case any of this resonates with your dog. Having been to the Vet for yeast in his ears (poor thing). Yeast has a particular odour, so I

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Summer Time

Gosh it’s been hot. It’s probably the time not to have an all black dog either, although to be fair to him, Zeke is sensible. We should have attended our final training class last night, but I cancelled as it seems that despite 26c temperatures, the class was going ahead.

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Who to Trust?

Nutritious, or not. As part of my prep for module 5 (the COAPE course I’m doing) I’ve been reading around nutrition. What a minefield! I know people have preferences based on their own experiences, but wow so many people with so many contrasting views telling others what to think. Most

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Light time

Zeke had his six-month Vet check this week. He’s doing well (31kg) no he’s not overweight, but it was suggested I cut back his food by 10% as he enters the 9-12 month age band. I’ve been conscious that puppies eat more when they’re growing so fast, and given we

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Six Months… already

Zeke has grown so much in size, comprehension, and engagement with the world around him. He learns multiple things daily, not all of them instigated by me. He still gets very excited seeing people with dogs, so we continue to work on his sit (instead of jumping up at people).

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Zeke loves his food. Yes, he is a Labrador, but he really does thrive on his four meals a day. I haven’t moved him to three meals yet. Mainly because there’s no rush for convenience as I’m with him all day, but also because the amount of food he has

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