
I’ve been watching social media and listening to the news most of this week. Waiting patiently for news of Nowzad’s people and animals arriving safely in the UK. I don’t plan to use my blog to make a political statement, there’s enough of those. But rather to take a moment

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Canine Cognitive Dysfunction – part two

Another week and I can see a marked difference in Truly. I’m not saying she’s her normal self, but I can see aspects of her personality emerging again. In my last blog I talked about the strange new behaviours, those remain, but I will say she has good days and

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Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

Dog Dementia isn’t a condition I’ve seen much of, or really considered. Truly had been worrying me with some strange new behaviours. To be honest in the first few days I thought perhaps she was deteriorating due to her existing mobility issues. I contacted James (our fantastic Vet), and arranged

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Dog DNA Database

Today I heard about a new scientific tool developed to deter theft, and I thought you might find it interesting too. An existing forensic company have launched a Forensic Dog DNA Database. The service has been developed with a view to providing forensic analysis, and to support police investigations into

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Safe Space

Those of you who camp or caravan will probably already know about the benefits of wind breakers. But, did you know there are dog safe ones too? Camping on a busy site with three dogs needs military coordination and eyes in the back of your head. Especially when you’re at

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The Real Age of Our Dogs?

I think most people have heard the saying that a dog year is worth seven human years. Apparently, there’s new research helping us to understand that this isn’t the case. I think dog families are aware that large dogs don’t generally tend to live as long as small dogs. And

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Both Jake and Truly are muzzle trained, and I refresh their training every so often. The ability for a dog to be comfortable wearing a muzzle is a good safety plan, especially in cases of emergency trips to the vet. A hurt or injured dog, even your own, may bite.

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Bookable Dog Fields

Bookable Dog fields seem to be a common topic of conversation at the moment. Both with training clients, and also in casual dog walking conversation. I meet many people who share the same frustration with owners who let their dogs jump all over you and your dogs, and have no

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Cooling Treats

After my ‘keeping cool’ blog I was asked about lollies and ice creams for dogs, and if I gave them to Jake and Truly. Aside from the enjoyment factor, frozen treats can be a great way to top up your dog’s fluid intake in the hot weather. As we’re meant

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I recently heard another radio programme talking about how Vet practices in the UK are being snapped up by international private equity investment companies. In advance of my blog, I thought I’d do a search to see what I could find. I saw many glossy websites on my first search.

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