
A glimpse of spring. Today it was still light after 5pm! Oh, the joy of more daylight and longer days. I know we have a cold snap or two ahead, and maybe some real winter weather, but I’d trade the dry for some extra daylight anytime. If like me you’re

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Dogs and Children – Resources

In this week’s blog I thought I’d help promote Dogs Trust’s half term workshops, designed to help children understand how dogs communicate to improve safety between them. If you don’t have a participating venue near you, I’ve also included below a link to Victoria Stilwell’s website. I love this site,

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I’ve been working my way through the mandatory and recommended book list for my Coape Diploma. All the books are so well chosen, each one I’m learning more about dogs (and new things about cats!). I tweeted this week about one of the books in particular, it’s called ‘Dominance in

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Dog Training Classes

It’s never too late to start! If you’ve gained a four-pawed family member in the last two years, you will probably have missed out on ‘in person’ dog training classes. I know many trainers took their classes to the virtual world, which was a good compromise but it didn’t offer

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New Year, New Resolutions?

Welcome to 2022! As you would no doubt expect, it’s been a difficult time. Everything that happened in Jake’s last week or so has played over in my mind, questioning myself if I did the right thing at the right time. The grief has been palpable, tiggered by the little

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For Jake

My beautiful Jake has gone. In the early hours of Tuesday morning, Jake had a seizure, his first. It was so unexpected and scary for all of us. With the Vet, Jake’s blood results indicated the bump on his leg was more sinister than the initial tests indicated. It was

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Unfamiliar Dogs and Etiquette

We were wandering along the path returning from our walk, enjoying some crisp afternoon sunshine.  Jake and Truly were busy savouring squirrel smells. Just as we rounded the corner, there was a large mixed breed male dog stood sniffing in a hedge (probably also savouring the smells of busy squirrels).

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A Winter Nudge

As we’re heading into a cold snap this weekend, I thought I’d pop along with a couple of reminders 😊 and a photo from January this year. Grit and salt Grit and salt used on our roads and pavements in winter isn’t good for dog paws. It irritates their skin

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Poor Jake has had a torrid week. He started a slight limp at the end of last week, favouring his back leg. Jake takes Onsior for his arthritis, it’s prescribed as it has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Jake and Truly both take these tablets daily. When Jake appears uncomfortable, I

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Those of us with dogs are already very fed up with fireworks at this time of the year. But did you know that general household noises can also cause stress to our dogs? The University of California have this week published research on the household noises causing most stress. With

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