
Learning Together

We attended our first puppy training session last week. There were four dogs in the class, with screens in place to help the puppies concentrate. A mat to mark the place to put your dog’s settle bed, and a chair for the human. Zeke and I were next to a

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Training Tools

Oh the joy to be back on my lovely laptop, the poor thing survived a coffee spill last year (half a mug all in the keyboard). And then last month I dropped it, it landed on the plug and shattered the screen. But… with the kind help from an IT

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Rewarding Times

The sunshine brings back such happy memories of being on the beach with Jake, Leo and Truly. I still miss them enormously, and think of them daily. Little mundane activities trigger memories of picnics and holidays. I try to focus on the good times we had, rather than thinking about

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I’ve been building up time when Zeke spends time alone. Every morning he goes into the garden, has breakfast, has a play, garden, then has a nap in his crate downstairs. This is when I leave him and take the opportunity to shower and dress. I don’t hear a peep

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Out and About

Zeke has been doing really well out and about. I’ve been introducing him to people we know as it’s easier to manage the situation than telling a stranger how you want them to interact with your dog. I ask friends and neighbours not to greet Zeke unless he has four

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Yes, it’s training terminology. It actually means ‘becoming used to something’, a rather grandiose term. I’ve been getting Zeke ready for his first steps into the big wide world outside of the back garden. Every day I’ve been building up Zeke’s exposure to his harness and lead, initially letting him

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Zeke’s Progress

Gosh, only a week and we’ve come so far! Zeke is eleven weeks old now, and he’s grown so much already. He’s got long gangly legs, lovely floppy ears, and big paws. He needs to grow into them all! Toilet training overall is going fantastically, if I’m not tempting fate.

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Settling Zeke

I’ve very pleased to report that training with Zeke is going really well! It does help he’s a bright little thing. Zeke has two crates, one downstairs where he has a mattress, water bowl, and safe toy. This is his quiet space for naps during the day, and yes puppies

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I have news. Happy news. A friend passing through the area asked to stop off to say hello, we’d not seen each other in person since 2020. My friend had her five-month-old puppy with her, and so, we very carefully introduced him to Truly. It was a controlled introduction on

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For Truly

Truly died on Thursday, I don’t think she ever really got over losing Jake. Her deterioration was gradual, but more noticeable in the last few days. She was on the full dose of pain killers each day, but finding it painful and difficult to move around. Not wanting to go

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