Autumn Walks

After my grumpy blog last week I thought I’d return to a more upbeat posting about Jake and Truly. We’ve definitely noticed the darker and cooler mornings. We’re back to coats and wellies for me, and drying wet towels after walks for Jake and Truly. Even though it’s cooler, we’re

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Dementia Routine

Since Truly’s diagnosis I’ve continued to research all I can do to help her feel comfortable, and soften the impact of what’s happening to her. We’re still walking three times a day. Exercise is important for all dogs, but particularly in Truly’s case to increase the blood flow to her

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Canine Cognitive Dysfunction – part two

Another week and I can see a marked difference in Truly. I’m not saying she’s her normal self, but I can see aspects of her personality emerging again. In my last blog I talked about the strange new behaviours, those remain, but I will say she has good days and

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Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

Dog Dementia isn’t a condition I’ve seen much of, or really considered. Truly had been worrying me with some strange new behaviours. To be honest in the first few days I thought perhaps she was deteriorating due to her existing mobility issues. I contacted James (our fantastic Vet), and arranged

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The Real Age of Our Dogs?

I think most people have heard the saying that a dog year is worth seven human years. Apparently, there’s new research helping us to understand that this isn’t the case. I think dog families are aware that large dogs don’t generally tend to live as long as small dogs. And

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Water Safety

The sunshine is here! If I put a paddling pool out in the garden, Jake may stand in it for cooling purposes, but neither Jake or Truly are fans of swimming. Leo was. He absolutely loved to go into the sea whatever the weather. The only way I could keep

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I recently heard another radio programme talking about how Vet practices in the UK are being snapped up by international private equity investment companies. In advance of my blog, I thought I’d do a search to see what I could find. I saw many glossy websites on my first search.

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Interesting Research

The Royal Veterinary College’s (RVC) VetCompass™ programme, undertook research into dog conditions most often presented to Vets. As part of this study they also looked at the impact of these conditions on the welfare of dogs. From the eight major disorders seen by Vets, the three with the highest overall

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Keeping Cool

As we’ve officially reached summer 2021, I’m back on my mission to keep Jake and Truly cool and comfortable in the heat. Water Having access to fresh water 24/7 is vital any time of the year, but especially in the heat. If you think your dog isn’t drinking enough, there

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If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know Jake and Truly both have physical conditions that affect their mobility. Jake has arthritis and Truly has a degenerative condition that increasingly affects her mobility, particularly her back legs. After chatting with our Vet and extensively researching conditions that can

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