Dog Legislation

I mentioned some time ago I would talk about dog related legislation, I have identified some of the keys areas you may find of interest 😊 If you want to read the respective legislation in full, you can search for it here  The below information is sourced from, Blue

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Happy New Year to you! Have you set yourself a resolution (or two) for the year ahead? I’ve read so many blogs and articles about the failure rate of resolutions, bit depressing, so I tend to think of a resolution as part of your plan for the coming year… whether

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The choice of walking equipment can be overwhelming. Let’s get the legal bit out of the way first. I attach Jake and Truly’s identity tags to their collars to ensure we comply with legislation (The Control of Dogs Order 1992) which states that all dogs in public MUST have the

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Christmas Gifts

A toy can be a simple way to provide your dog with some mental stimulation and variety in their daily activity. It’s also good for your dog to spend some quality ‘alone time’ in another room without really noticing you’re not there. This is especially relevant at the moment with

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I talked previously about how important our Vet is to us. I thought I might also share with you how I approach pet insurance and covering veterinary costs for Jake and Truly. I’m sure if you have pets you will have noticed how much more expensive it seems, I’ve definitely

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Choosing a Veterinarian

How do you choose? Firstly, a Vet working in the UK must be registered with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Secondly, by recommendation. The first Vet I went to was recommended by a friend. I took Winston for his very first puppy check-up and we stayed for the whole

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Treating Safely

We all like a treat now and then, I know I do. Sometimes it’s to reward myself after doing a task like cleaning the car or mowing the grass, sometimes it’s just because I can. Using food as a reward for our dogs can often depend on their motivation. Leo

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Keeping Your Dog Safe – in the Car

How feasible is it to protect your dog from every eventuality 100% of the time? I don’t know that it is, but with Jake and Truly I try to mitigate as much risk as is possible. When we travel by car Jake and Truly are secured in a crash tested

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Finding Your Ideal Canine Companion

Bringing a dog into your life is to make a commitment to their health, happiness and wellbeing for the duration of theirs. We know that dogs come in many shapes and sizes, personalities and traits. Some of these individual characteristics are formed from the experience their mother had when she

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An introduction to Dogmatise

My name is Jen and I love dogs. I’m a qualified dog trainer, but the primary purpose of my blog isn’t about training. I’ve started this blog to share with you what I’ve learnt from my own dogs over the years, and if it helps you in any way with

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