
Calling Zeke

After last week’s play date, we’ve been earnestly working on recall. I’ve upped Zeke’s treats to a new dehydrated lamb, which he can’t do enough for.  Not only will he give me eye contact when we cross the road, or walk past people, we can also comfortably walk along the

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Hot Hot Hot

Zeke isn’t familiar enough with the cool mat to use it yet, it’s something ‘new’ he needs to drag around, lick, and test with his teeth. Consequently, I wouldn’t leave one in his crate with him overnight. Zeke had a towel wrapped hot water bottle on his first night here.

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Quiet Time

We’ve been practicing settling this week. Not only because I’ve had lots of virtual meetings, or that I need some peace myself from time to time, but because it’s part of our class homework. Zeke sees his crate as a safe place and he will often take himself off to

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Getting Older

I want to share with you today the impact of aging on Jake and Truly. It’s a natural development for all of us, and as with humans there are so many things we can do to support our dogs as they get older. Jake is now 13 and Truly 10.

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Dog Beds

Having a safe place for your dog to consider their own helps them to settle, and to relax in their own home. It’s a space where your dog can sleep or chill undisturbed (and child free). Jake and Truly like to take their treats to enjoy in their own beds.

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