If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know Jake and Truly both have physical conditions that affect their mobility. Jake has arthritis and Truly has a degenerative condition that increasingly affects her mobility, particularly her back legs. After chatting with our Vet and extensively researching conditions that can

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Control of Dogs

Last weekend we had a little scare. I’ve been projecting chill out vibes for Jake and Truly on our walks all week, but to be honest what happened unsettled me. If you’ve been reading my blog, you know how I feel about dogs. You will also know I take my

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Getting Older

I want to share with you today the impact of aging on Jake and Truly. It’s a natural development for all of us, and as with humans there are so many things we can do to support our dogs as they get older. Jake is now 13 and Truly 10.

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I’m sure you know that feeling. That all over body ache the day after the first lawn cut of the year, overdoing the spring clean, or the DIY, all spurred on by the sunshine. It won’t be long until we’re all able to travel further afield to enjoy out-door exercise

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Check up at the Vet

This week was Jake and Truly’s scheduled trip to the Vet. We see the same Vet James where possible, not only because he’s a great Vet and a lovely person, but because he knows Jake and Truly’s history beyond notes on a file. I always feel that James listens to

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I talked previously about how important our Vet is to us. I thought I might also share with you how I approach pet insurance and covering veterinary costs for Jake and Truly. I’m sure if you have pets you will have noticed how much more expensive it seems, I’ve definitely

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Choosing a Veterinarian

How do you choose? Firstly, a Vet working in the UK must be registered with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Secondly, by recommendation. The first Vet I went to was recommended by a friend. I took Winston for his very first puppy check-up and we stayed for the whole

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