
Water Safety

The sunshine is here! If I put a paddling pool out in the garden, Jake may stand in it for cooling purposes, but neither Jake or Truly are fans of swimming. Leo was. He absolutely loved to go into the sea whatever the weather. The only way I could keep

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Cooling Treats

After my ‘keeping cool’ blog I was asked about lollies and ice creams for dogs, and if I gave them to Jake and Truly. Aside from the enjoyment factor, frozen treats can be a great way to top up your dog’s fluid intake in the hot weather. As we’re meant

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When I hear the word ‘enrichment’ in relation to dogs, I think about how all of my dogs have most definitely enhanced and improved my life. I also often think about how I can best enrich theirs, especially during lockdown.  I thought today I’d talk about enrichment and what it

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