
Zeke has flourished through puppyhood and adolescence, and I can honestly say he has grown up well. Of course, he is a Labrador so will be forever young at heart. But, as he passed the 2.5 year mark, I can see his emotional maturity bloom. I advocate choice wherever possible,

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Summer Holidays

An energetic Labrador, who is also jet black, can be a bit of a challenge when the weather is hot. Zeke doesn’t seem to notice at all, thankfully it’s not been too hot for morning walks. Zeke has been patrolling the garden, keep an eye on all the birds tweeting

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I’ve been feeding Zeke his new foods on a slow feed platter, it’s a great way to see what he likes most. I lay the food out as per the picture, instead of it all being piled into his bowl so he can choose. I find it hypnotic watching him

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Feathers, Sugars, and Yeast

I’ve been on a journey with Zeke’s diet. I want to share the path we’ve followed to get where we are now, in case any of this resonates with your dog. Having been to the Vet for yeast in his ears (poor thing). Yeast has a particular odour, so I

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I’ve done it🥳. I’m a COAPE Certified Animal Behaviourist, and a MHERA™ Practitioner. Hands down the best course I’ve ever done. The tutors are amazing and the evidence-based, structured, and supported learning was just what I needed. Okay yes, it has been hard work over the last two years (still

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Walking Nicely

I try to spend one of our daily walks giving Zeke practice in walking nicely on the lead, interspersed with free sniffing opportunities of course. How does Zeke know what kind of walk we are having? Well, I communicate it through use of the lead. By clipping both ends of

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Winter Time

After two weeks of rain I’m very happy to have a respite from the mud! Prefilled watering cans with warm water by the door to wash Zeke off, a good towelling, a trail of towels across the floor, and I still found puddy footprints through the house. I’m a fan

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Planning and Prevention

My final rescue centre case study is written, and kitchen table finally clear with my 29 behaviour books packed away. I’m not even going to think how much I’ve spent on books, but I have them for future reference at least. Psychopharmacology was probably my least favourite subject, but it

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Co-operative Care

It may be because I’ve been on Instagram more than usual, keeping an eye on the American XL Bully situation.. but I have been somewhat taken aback by some of the dog handling I’ve seen on people’s reels. Often endorsed by brands the dog guardian is ‘promoting’. There was one

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I’d like to talk about the American XL Bully, if you are happy to indulge me. You probably already know that the American XL Bully isn’t a specific breed. They come in many different shapes and sizes. Taking my Zeke as a well-established KC breed example, there is a breed

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