For Jake

My beautiful Jake has gone.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, Jake had a seizure, his first. It was so unexpected and scary for all of us.

With the Vet, Jake’s blood results indicated the bump on his leg was more sinister than the initial tests indicated. It was explained that it was likely that this had quickly metastasised to his brain, triggering the seizures.

Jake was prescribed a range of medication by our amazing Vet practice. But the seizure meds didn’t seem to help him. I sat up with him again through Tuesday night. It was heart breaking to see him struggle. I called our Vet’s emergency number, and we went straight there.

I’ve always keenly felt my responsibility to protect and guard against suffering. To provide a pain free and peaceful escape when needed, however desperately I didn’t want to lose Jake.

Jake had ongoing seizures at the Vet’s, and I really hope he knew I was there holding him right to the end.

Jake has been loved by so many, he was the most balanced and affectionate dog I’ve known. Always adapting his behaviour to reassure other dogs. My own little shadow. Truly will miss him desperately too.

Jake, you have been the most amazing companion and constant in my life, I will always love you little man. Run free of pain, and find Leo and all your friends at Rainbow Bridge.

Thank you for choosing me.



I’m taking a break from the blog, so will take this opportunity to sincerely wish you and yours a happy, healthy and safe Christmas.

See you in 2022





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