
Happy New Year to you!

Have you set yourself a resolution (or two) for the year ahead?

I’ve read so many blogs and articles about the failure rate of resolutions, bit depressing, so I tend to think of a resolution as part of your plan for the coming year… whether it’s work or life related It doesn’t really matter.

Last January I was working in Manchester and away from Jake and Truly for half of the week, it was horrible leaving them behind and I felt so miserable. My 2020 resolution was to spend the time I did have with them in a mindful way. Making every moment count, being mentally and emotionally present when with them, exploring new sights, sounds and scents, new home-made treats although I have no idea what they tasted like…They were gone in two crunches so I guess they were okay?!

My resolution for 2021 has remained the same, but for different reasons. I’ve noticed Jake and Truly seem older, they sleep more (and snore more loudly!), they don’t follow me every time I move. Truly particularly doesn’t want to go out for walks and wants to come home if I try to deviate from the route she knows. But…one of the few up-sides of Covid (if I can say that) since March I have been able to be at home with them all week. No more leaving them behind! Hurrah.

My other dog related resolution started last year, I’ve begun the IMDTB level 5 course. Gosh I’d forgotten the intensity of distance learning! Thankfully it’s been straightforward, with webinars and reading of interesting books. After a brain break over Christmas, I’m getting my head back into it from Monday. I expect there will be more interesting facts to share with you as the modules unfold.

Best wishes to you for a happy and healthy 2021

Until next time

Jen (Jake and Truly)


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